The Get Foxy Show

The Get Foxy Show

Resting Bitch Face – Terry Fox

October 22, 2019

Struggling with Resting Bitch Face? You can change it naturally without Botox®, Fillers, and Plastic Surgery.

On this episode of The Get Foxy Show, Licensed Acupuncturist, Massage Therapist, and Aesthetic Acupuncture Specialist, Terry Fox, Northern Colorado’s expert in helping women look younger through Natural Aesthetic Enhancement, talks about Resting Bitch Face.

I was 17 when my mom was diagnosed with a chronic and painful autoimmune disease – fibromyalgia. Inspired to relieve her pain, I attended the Utah College of Massage Therapy. Consequently, I helped create the first hospital-based Massage Therapy program in the state of Wyoming. Four years after, I progressed into Acupuncture. In only three years, he earned his Master’s Degree from the Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

To me, each patient is a precious child of God and should be treated accordingly. Others have described me as “knowledgeable, caring, and professional.” And, I strive continually to live up to that description. I don’t treat “skin deep,” I see deeper and work on a holistic level. I encourage you to be the beauty you are!Terry Fox, L.Ac.

In 2006, I founded Artesian Spring Oriental Medicine in Fort Collins, Colorado. Additionally, I’ve served as Secretary for the Acupuncture Association of Colorado, and was voted Best Colorado Acupuncturist 2015 and 2016 according to The Experience Pros radio show. Many of my teachers are internationally known masters of Cosmetic Acupuncture and Classical Chinese Medicine – Ron Rosen, Denise Ellinger, Martha Lucas, Wudang Chen, Ping Zhang, Mary Elizabeth Wakefield, and Michelle Gellis. I help women reclaim their softness and radiance without resorting to Botox®, fillers, or plastic surgery. 

Outside of the office, you can find me relaxing with my wife and two boys. Also, I avidly reas sci-fi and fantasy novels, especially books by Brandon Sanderson. I love crafting my own beer, mead, and liqueurs. And, occasionally I’ll compete in local beard and mustache competitions.

Ideas covered in this episode:

* Why I know what it feels like to look in the mirror and despise what you see* What is Resting Bitch Face (RBF)* Web links: Terry’s Blog on Resting Bitch Face, NY Post Article, * How media is filtering our reality* SnapChat Dysmorphia and Rich Girl Face* Why and How Resting Bitch Face happens* Your facial muscles do not lie* Eckm...