The Get Foxy Show

The Get Foxy Show

Why Can’t I Stick To My Diet – Erin Wathen

October 08, 2019

Erin is a Holistic Health Coach, Certified Life and Weight Loss Coach, Food Addiction Counselor, and author of the best-selling book “Why Can’t I Stick To My Diet?”

After realizing her lifelong struggle with her weight wasn’t due to a lack of exercise, but her food and more importantly the emotions she wasn’t dealing with that lead to the food, Erin began a quest.

This journey led her to become an Integrated Health Coach. After learning that she herself was addicted to Sugar and Artificial Sweetener, Erin detoxed herself and then became one of the world’s first Food Addition Counselors. In doing so, she traveled as far as Iceland to complete her training.

It was at this point that Erin decided to write her book “Why Can’t I Stick To My Diet” because she had been asking herself that question for decades and it was the wrong question! It wasn’t until Erin realized to take her knowledge of Health Coaching and Food Addiction together in her book she could help so many more people end emotional eating and stop yo-yo dieting and learn to eat right once and for all.

Health isn’t a number on the scale or how often we exercise, but our lives as a whole.Erin Wathen

Ideas covered in this episode:

* The whole picture of your life is what matters* How sleep and food are connected* Sleep is a higher priority than exercise* Give your body a chance to rest* Eating only 2-3 daily* The importance of food journaling* Awareness around food is key* Feel your feelings instead of eating food* Erin’s definition of foxy* What Erin does to reclaim her foxiness* Who embodies foxy in Erin’s world

Get more info or work with Erin here: