The Genesis Project Podcast

The Genesis Project Podcast

Branding 102 with guest professor Sharifa DeArmon

January 14, 2021

I've mentioned before in previous blogs the difference between marketing and branding. To refresh your memory a tad bit, marketing is just getting your message out to the masses where branding is how you are perceived by the masses. The two are very different but also very similar to another. It is also oftentimes confused between the two. Another way to think about it is by getting your message heard versus getting your message seen. Today's lesson is another lesson in Branding.

Guest professor Sharifa DeArmon is the Vice President of Operations for Frontline Entertainment Media Group. Her career started when her cousin asked her to be the manager of his group. After working with them for over a couple of years, she received a call that would change her life. She was asked to help start an entertainment company. She flew out to Las Vegas and two months later, helped launch Frontline Entertainment Media Group. As of last year, she was named music director for Urban World FM.

With her experience in the entertainment business, who's best to tell us how to be on top of people's minds with our brands? She has experience with branding in a way I think we should consider, having to run multiple campaigns to get her clients seen. Her strategies explained in this episode have completely changed the way I think towards branding and have made such an impact on me, that now I'm reimagining my own brand and how I want it to come across to potential customers. As always, take great notes from this episode because I think she'll have you rethinking your branding strategy as well.