The Flaming Zonkey Podcast

The Flaming Zonkey Podcast

TFZP for 2015-07-13: Breaking Kayfabe

July 14, 2015

It's the hottest week of the year so far here in St. Louis, which doesn't really impact the podcast at all! This week's exciting episode opens with the boys eating some tacos and then being attacked by either a bear or Berz's washing machine. From there the conversation meanders from Slide the City to Meo's impending mid-life crisis (#2), the etymology of the work kayfabe, tons of video games (Geometry Wars, Final Fantasy 14, Heroes of the Storm, Rocket League, Ark, GTA5, Dishonored, Tomb Raider, Borderlands and Brothers), books, the psycopath test, Draelor's super-awesome-fun-time-alone-weekend and finally vagina 2.0. Yes. Vagina 2.0. 

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