The Flaming Zonkey Podcast

The Flaming Zonkey Podcast

TFZP for 2015-02-24: Nintendo’s New Nintendo 3DS XL

February 25, 2015

Our good friend Draelor is out sick, which definitely means one thing – we’ll be meandering and unfocused. Sometimes that results in a longer than usual episode, but this weak it means a shorter than usual episode. Seriously, we can barely function without Draelor in the room. That said, we did manage to eat some cheeseburgers, talk about “Wobbly’s Pin”, wander all over buying not one but two New Nintendo 3DS’s, play some Japanese Role Playing Game #22355 and even get sucked into a Link Between Worlds. Oh, we also turn into cows. Yep, this is certainly an episode without Draelor.

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