The Emily Osmond Show

The Emily Osmond Show

3 helpful thoughts to overcome content perfectionism

September 05, 2022

Allowing your content to be public when you don’t think it’s perfect is uncomfortable.

But not as uncomfortable as spending hours perfecting content… and not having any clients.

I wouldn’t have a podcast if I allowed myself to indulge in content perfection.

Firstly because I would never send an episode to my editor because I would never be able to think up and record a perfect episode.

And secondly because even if I did have episodes to publish, I would delete all the episodes after they were published because I wouldn’t think any of them are perfect!

For many of my clients, the pressure they put on themselves to produce perfect content is holding them back from growing their business.

They aren’t sharing content, which means their audience isn’t growing, they aren’t connecting with their audience, their enquiries aren’t increasing and they aren’t booking more clients.

In this episode, we are exploring three powerful thoughts to help you move past your content perfectionism so you can consistently share value with your audience, and in turn, see more results for your business.


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