The Emily Osmond Show

The Emily Osmond Show

You’re not supposed to already feel confident marketing

August 22, 2022

You might think that you are doing something wrong or feel a sense of embarrassment or shame because you aren’t confident or clear with your marketing as you establish your business.

It feels confusing and overwhelming in terms of what you are meant to be doing and where to put your focus.

And add to that the fear of getting it wrong and what other people will think of you.

You know who you want to work with, and where you want your business to be… but you just don’t know how to get there.

Let me share something with you…

Of course you don’t know how to get there or how to market your business - you have never done it before!

In this episode we are talking about why you are not supposed to already feel confident marketing your business - and what will ultimately help you to become confident.

I also share how marketing is an ongoing process and craft to hone - just like your qualification, skill or expertise - and why the most successful business owners understand this.

Register for my free online class: The 3 Reasons Your Followers aren’t Converting to Clients. 

You are going to become clear about:

  1. The 3 simple strategies to turn your followers into clients ASAP
  2. How to become in demand with your ideal clients
  3. The #1 issue stopping you booking clients now - and how to change that.


Join The Modern Marketing Collective to get booked out with clients:

Discover your Marketing Personality Type in my free quiz, plus the specific resources to maximise your specific superpower!