The Emily Osmond Show

The Emily Osmond Show

How your marketing now is creating future results

June 20, 2022

Are you spending hours and hours creating content, emails and marketing and just not seeing conversions? 

In this episode, we’ll explore how your marketing right now is creating future results. I encourage you to think about this as a lag period. The efforts you put in today will not be seen as results instantly (and that’s OK!). 

This conversation is perfect for you if you’re not seeing the results you would like from your marketing or not seeing the return of your efforts in your business. 

All of the quality content you share, the launches you spend so much time working on, your marketing and the relationships you are building will pay off with spectacular results down the road. 

We always think everything will be instant in our society but it can take clients a while before they’re in the right space and time to commit to working with you and it can be that single piece of content or email you sent 3 months ago that pushes them to sign up. 

I’ll take you through the business tracking method we use in The Modern Marketing Collective to find out how our past marketing is influencing our audience to become new members. You can use this in your business to find any patterns and areas where you should be spending more of your time and energy to see results in the future. 


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