The Emily Osmond Show

The Emily Osmond Show

How Mathilde Kien attracted 200 students to her online French Language program

September 20, 2021

I know it can be so daunting to work out how to grow your online course and make consistent sales. You have an amazing idea and are so keen to work with people but don’t know where to begin! 


In today’s episode, I’m chatting with Mathilde Kien. Mathilde has created her business, online courses and podcast to help beginners learn French online in a fun and easy way, ‘French Made Easy’. We look at how she began her business and the valuable lessons she learnt working for herself. 


I’ve had the absolute pleasure to work with Mathilde in my Modern Marketing Collective and we talk about the incredible results she has generated from the lessons she learnt through the program. 


I’m so proud of her achievements and I love singing her praises. Her podcast has had almost 1,000,000 downloads. Her email subscriber list has grown from 100 to 8,500 people. Her courses have grown to 200 paying students. These are such incredible results and are a real testament to Mathilde’s passion and the methods she is using to grow her business. 


I would love for you to listen and find inspiration in Mathilde’s story. She’s such an amazing member of our Modern Marketing Collective community who is so passionate about women helping women to succeed in business. 

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