The Emily Osmond Show

The Emily Osmond Show

Re-examining perfectionism in business with Kiara Johnson

June 28, 2021

Some of us just want everything to be perfect. The problem is, nothing ever is and if we hold the standard of perfection for our lives or business, we often hold ourselves back from doing anything at all.


My guest today is Kiara Johnson, a qualified NLP Practitioner and Hypnotherapist who I’ve been working with in the Modern Marketing Collective for the last 2 years. Kiara specialises in helping overwhelmed and stressed women to cultivate a more loving relationship with themselves and their body through her transformational mindset coaching program, allowing them to live the healthy and happy lives they desire.


In this episode, Kiara shares about how perfectionism held her back from putting herself out there in business and how it worked as a protection mechanism to avoid the shame of not being good enough. Kiara has worked on kicking those perfectionism tendencies and she shares some of the practical ways she has done this and the wonderful results she’s been seeing on a personal level and in her business.


In the time we’ve been working together, Kiara has made such incredible progress in her business. I’ve loved seeing her self belief grow, her brand become much more unique and true to her and how she’s raised her prices to grow her business with ease.


If you’re a person with perfectionistic tendencies, this is an episode for you.





Instagram: @insideouthealthwellness

Podcast: Become Your Own Best Friend



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