The Emily Osmond Show

The Emily Osmond Show

10 big benefits of adding an online program to your business

April 29, 2021

When you first start a business, it can be tricky to figure out what kind of business model makes sense for you. Depending on the industry that you’re in, often the easiest thing to do is look at what everyone else in your industry is doing, and go with a model that seems to be tried and tested.

That may work as you start up and get going, but at some point you may start to realise that you only have really one revenue stream. Especially if you’re a client based business, you can reach a point where you have reached capacity and unless you hire more and more staff, you find that your income is capped.

Well, one of the best ways to increase your revenue without hiring more staff, contractors or working a lot more hours, is to create an online program.

That’s why on the podcast today, I’m breaking down 10 big benefits of adding an online program to your business.

I run two online programs - The Modern Marketing Collective and Scalable and have found that since taking the leap and launching these memberships, my business has completely changed. I have more time, doing more of the things I love to do, and making a bigger impact to a wider community.

It’s truly the best thing I have done for my business, and I hope this information helps you too!



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