The Emily Osmond Show

The Emily Osmond Show

How Alexandra Ganipeau is scaling her business with two French memberships

April 26, 2021

Building an online membership community when you have previously always operated in person is no easy task.

Diving into a world where you need to learn the technology, build websites, record videos and put together course material could be seen as too overwhelming.

In fact, for a lot of people it does feel like it’s too hard. They don’t have the patience to start from scratch and they’re too embarrassed to ask for help.

My guest today on the podcast, Alexandra Ganipeau rose to the challenges that she faced to build the business she’s so excited to lead today.

Alexandra is a fantastic french tutor with years of experience introducing students to the culture, and learning the french language. She has always enjoyed it, but being forced to work away from the home for many years was starting to take a toll on her.

Then in 2019 Alexandra was diagnosed with breast cancer and was forced to completely stop, focus on her treatment and recovery. It was a very tough year for so many reasons, but when Alexandra was given the all clear, Alex realised she wanted to do business differently than she previously had.

Alex discovered my course, Scalable and jumped straight in. She started building not one, but TWO memberships and has experienced fantastic growth in a whole new world.

Today we’re discussing all things course creation, things she didn’t expect, the fantastic sense of community that she has built and how Alex’s life has changed.