The Emily Osmond Show

The Emily Osmond Show

5 unexpected ways that Instagram can grow your business

February 04, 2021

There was a LOT I had to learn when I first started out on my own (Systems! Budgeting! BOUNDARIES!), but, thanks to my Master’s thesis on social media and in-house role in digital marketing, Instagram wasn’t one of them.

From the very beginning, I knew it wasn’t just a place to be seen, but a tool to leverage—

Which meant that while other business owners were chasing vanity metrics, like number of followers, or most likes on a selfie, I was busy using the platform to grow my business:

  • Making sales
  • Growing my email list
  • Landing speaking gigs, and
  • Generally opening doors

So that my business made enough money to support me and the life I wanted to lead.

Fast-forward to today, and I’ve helped more than 700 business owners do the exact same thing.

Like my client Carla, an ecommerce store owner, whose sales from Instagram increased by 776% in one month.

Michelle, a bra fit specialist, who doubled her client bookings in one month, just from Instagram.

And Laura, an online fitness trainer, who in just one month, through leveraging Instagram, doubled her monthly revenue.

In this episode, I’m sharing just FIVE unexpected and little talked about ways that Instagram - with the right strategy in place - can grow your business (I think a couple of these will surprise you!).

By the way, if you are thinking “I could be leveraging Instagram for my business better” then register or my free online Instagram Strategy for Business Workshop which is happening NEXT WEEK! We’ll be covering how to grow your brand, engagement AND sales using Instagram - plus I’ll be doing live Instagram audits during the workshop!

Go to and register for your free place now!

