The Emily Osmond Show

The Emily Osmond Show

Doing the hard things, not the fun things

October 08, 2020

Our 100th episode of The Emily Osmond Show is coming up in just a few weeks and to celebrate, we are compiling an episode to feature our listeners - and I would love to hear from you!

Step one: pick your favourite learning from listening to this show. Perhaps that is a tip you have been putting to use with great results, a powerful mindset shift, or a realisation about something you could change in your business. It may have been from hearing one of my solo episodes or from listening to one of our brilliant guests!

Step two: Go to and follow the instructions to record a short audio (no longer than 90 seconds), with your name, business name (if you’d like!) and your favourite learning. The deadline to submit your audio to be considered for this special 100th episode is 21st October. I can’t wait to hear from you!


In this episode, we are discussing the activities that you are filling your time up with because they feel fun, productive, and like a sugar hit, but that are taking your time and focus away from the activities that actually grow your income.