The Emily Osmond Show

The Emily Osmond Show

Scheduling 30 days of content is not a marketing strategy

October 01, 2020

Ask a business owner what their one wish would be if they had a magic wand for their marketing, and many would say “to have a month of content scheduled”.

There is the constant guilt of not posting enough, like a burden hanging over you.

So “success” can sound like finally having 30 days of posts automatically going out on your social media.

And that’s what you hear from all different people: “Post more content!” and “You have to post every day!” or even “You have to post 3 times a day!”

Let’s say, you did it and you got your 30 days of content scheduled. The month comes to an end, but instead of celebration, you realise nothing in you business has changed, apart from being able to tick the box of posting every day.

If this is you, how is this strategy currently actually working for you?

What is the return you are seeing for your business?

As business owners, time and focus are two resources we need to protect. I want you to get very clear about how you are currently spending yours and why.

Here’s why treating scheduling 30 days of content like a marketing strategy just doesn’t make sense.

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