The Emily Osmond Show

The Emily Osmond Show

Five Steps To Test A New Business Idea And Make Sales Fast

April 13, 2020

Right now, you might be wondering how you can adapt your business to thrive during the current Covid-19 pandemic. You may be mapping out ideas and making plans. But I want to show you how to start making sales sooner by validating your idea, and why selling before you create is the answer to success.

In my online marketing coaching group The Modern Marketing Collective, many of our members are pivoting and creating new approaches to their business. Some are going from in person service offerings like photography and videography to offering online DIY consultations, retail owners are creating online stores and selling online for the first time, and others creating online programs to share their expertise in more scalable and far-reaching ways.

So I put together a bonus Business Starter Toolkit for them, to help those brand new in business to get started sooner, and others who are pivoting to enjoy more success quicker. One of the lessons I’ve developed for my students is how to validate their offer - and I want to share some of the key takeaways with you in this episode.

By the way if you want to turn your online marketing into a sales system for your business and get to your biggest months in revenue using strategic content and tactics that actually work, go to to register for my free online training.

And if you want to learn how to turn your knowledge into an online program, create recurring revenue each month, and work from where you want, when you want, message me on Instagram @emilyosmond with “scalable” and I’ll ask you some specific questions to work out if my high level program, Scalable, is the right fit for you.