The Emily Osmond Show

The Emily Osmond Show

Navigating Covid-19 As Small Business Owners

March 23, 2020

I recently saw someone write in a Facebook Group, “no one is going to be buying right now so I'm going to stop everything”.

What that signals to me is her own mindset and her own belief rather than necessarily the reality. The fact that she is just going to stop all of her marketing, stop selling and close down her business because she believes that no one is going to buy from her right now.

It is actually up to your customers whether they buy from you right now or not. Don’t make that decision for them and don't shortchange yourself by assuming that no one is going to buy from your business right now.

I understand that day by day and almost hour by hour, there are measures being put in place by the federal, state and territory governments, which means that some businesses do need to close down. But if that's not you, then don't just decide you're going to stop serving and stop selling.

I understand that perhaps you have a sense of guilt or shame around marketing and making offers and selling right now. Let me make a point here: you can profit through this and that's very different to profiting from this.

And so just know that it's okay for you to keep making money right now. Even if other people are struggling, it's okay. And in fact, the economy needs us to keep marketing and to keep selling and to keep that money changing hands and to give our customers a reason to spend.

In this episode I share some approaches that we can be using to navigate during this time.

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