The Emily Osmond Show

The Emily Osmond Show

Why I Wish I Had Niched Sooner - And My Advice To You

September 09, 2019

I'm not someone who tends to dwell on the past but when I am asked what I would do differently if I had my time again starting my business, it doesn’t take me long to respond!

As my business developed in its first few years, I was offering a range of services (basically whatever I was asked for!). Branding, website design, copywriting, brand strategy, event marketing, social media strategy, social media management…

But as the months passed, I had a feeling in my gut and underlying anxiety as well. I was asking myself “What do I want to be known for?”.

And being someone like I know that you are too, who wants to achieve and wants to do big things, I just knew that what I was doing wasn't going to help me get there.

I needed to get more focused, but I was resisting the advice that I was being given over and over again:

Go all in on Instagram. Focus on just Instagram. Niche, Emily!

And did I take that advice?

Of course not - that would have been way too easy ;)

It took me FOUR YEARS until I actually took on this advice to niche, after many months of feeling very anxious, lost, stuck and having a feeling in my gut that I wasn't on purpose.

Finally, about 12 months ago, I decided it was well and truly time to take this advice on board and focus on JUST Instagram.

I tweaked my messaging, starting saying no to jobs outside of this and really focussed on delivering great content based around Instagram...

Wind forward to now, and niching has been the BEST move for my business.

So even though you might be scared you'll lose work, even though you want to work with everyone (just like I did!) and even though you don't feel like you are an "expert" enough to claim that space (like I SURE did!)...

I encourage you to do that scary thing and go "all in" on what really lights you up and the area you know you can help people in the most. Because niching DOWN will GROW your business.

In this episode I discuss my advice to you for how to find your niche and why it might be one of the best business moves you make.

MY DETAILS: Website | Instagram | Free Resources

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