Turning Season: Conversations with Changemakers in Our Adventure Toward a Life-Sustaining Society
Dreamers' Den Series Ep 19: Hosting the Dream (with Claudia DeBorde)
“My favorite part is when you and the guest talk about example dreams.” ← If you’re a listener who’s said that, this one’s for you. In this New Moon episode, I work one of my own dreams live with guest dreamworker Claudia DeBorde. She takes me on a Dream Tending walk through a dream I titled Time Travel.
We talk briefly about her approach to dreams, our love of stories, and how we can play “host” to the figures in our dreams. Then, rather than keep talking ABOUT dreamwork, we get right into DOING dreamwork.
Claudia has been studying Dream Tending with Stephen Aizenstat for 25 years, so she brings a wealth of experience to this. As you listen, I invite you to notice Claudia’s gentle, curious way of walking through the dream with me, pausing me a couple of times to sink into a particular moment or description before the action of the dream continues. After our dreamwork, I’ll conclude this episode with some reflections I’ve had since talking with Claudia. Re-listening to this recording helped bring home more of the ah-ha moments: about the relationship between my past and my present, taking note when I’m in a state of “high alertness,” why we label things “good” or “evil,” and what I hope to hand over to the future when I become part of the past.
Show notes: thedreamersden.org/19