Turning Season: Conversations with Changemakers in Our Adventure Toward a Life-Sustaining Society

Dreamers' Den Series Ep 15: Dreaming Your Genius: How Dreams Reveal Your Role in Global Healing (Leilani Navar)
This one's for you. You, who
- believe you have (or might have...) a role to play in global healing
- trust that your dreams bring wisdom
- and want to dive deep with me on the Five Elements, dream examples, and how these SAME energies that tell us about PERSONAL health guide us toward COLLECTIVE well-being.
On board? Awesome. Press play to hear me share about:
- the unique "spirit of genius" in every single person (with help from the words of Michael Meade, Sharon Blackie, and Toko-pa Turner)
- how dreams show where our energy is, and nudge us toward where in the world we're most needed
- Chinese Medicine thinking about the ONE PLACE to intervene that will have the greatest impact on the whole
- actions and issues in the world that can be associated with each of the Five Elements
- dream examples (mine, past interviewees', other dreamers)
- and why I'm in favor of everyone finding their "genius," even when we disagree with each other
Grab your dream journal or somewhere to write, so you can note questions or symbols that strike a chord.
Detailed show notes and free download here: thedreamersden.org/15