Functional Medicine Research with Dr. Nikolas Hedberg, DC

Functional Medicine Research with Dr. Nikolas Hedberg, DC

How Inflammation Causes Hypothyroidism

October 25, 2019

Inflammation is at the core of most chronic illnesses including hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s disease. But how exactly does inflammation cause hypothyroidism? Nonthyroidal illness syndrome (NTIS) is the state in which inflammation causes negative changes to thyroid hormone including low T3 and increased reverse T3 (rT3). T3 is the most active form of thyroid hormone and rT3 actually blocks T3 receptors so inflammation can really knock out thyroid function. TSH levels however stay relatively “normal” in NTIS thus leaving many patients with the symptoms of hypothyroidism but no diagnosis since no one is checking their T3 or rT3 levels.

In this article I’ll be referencing a paper entitled, “IL-6 promotes nonthyroidal illness syndrome by blocking thyroxine activation while promoting thyroid hormone inactivation in human cells.”

T4 is normally converted into the more active T3 under normal conditions but when you’re chronically inflammed, the enzymes that perform this conversion may not be functioning properly. The “4” in T4 indicates that it has 4 iodine molecules and the “3” in T3 indicates that it has 3 iodine molecules. There are three enzymes called deiodinases involved in this process:

* D1 converts T4 into T3 by removal of one iodine from T4 to make T3.
* D2 does the same thing as D1.
* D3 inactivates both T4 and T3 but also increases rT3.

80% of the T3 in your body comes from D1 and D2 converting T4 into T3. Inhibition of D1 and D2 due to inflammation is the most common cause of low T3 but D3 is also a contributing factor to low T3 and increased rT3.
What is inflammation?
Inflammation is basically an overactive immune response that is acute or chronic. This overactive immune response can result in tissue damage if it is localized to a specific area in the body or it can be present throughout the entire body resulting in various symptoms such as fatigue, brain fog, joint pain, digestive problems and much more. There really aren’t any symptoms I could list that aren’t related to inflammation.

If you have elevated C-reactive protein levels on your blood tests then this can indicate inflammation. I test all of my patients for this marker to see their level of inflammation. Cytokines are chemical messengers in your body that communicate with your immune system in response to any kind of stress. Interleukin 6, or IL-6, is a well-studied cytokine that is elevated when there is inflammation and it has been specifically studied in relation to thyroid hormone. Increased levels of IL-6 have been shown to lower T3 levels and increase reverse T3 levels.
What causes inflammation?
Many things can cause inflammation and some of these tend to be overlooked. Here is a list to think about if you have hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s disease:

* Stress-both physical and emotional
* Infections of all types ie. viruses, bacteria, parasites, yeast
* Food sensitivities ie. gluten, dairy etc.
* Loneliness
* Social isolation
* Lack of meaningful purpose in life
* Lack of sleep
* Lack of exercise or excessive exercise
* Relationship conflicts
* Gut dysbiosis
* Dental infections
* Autoimmunity
* Lack of physical affection
* Environmental toxins

Some of the above may surprise you but all of these need to be seriously confronted if they are present.
What did the above study find on inflammation and hypothyroidism?