Functional Medicine Research with Dr. Nikolas Hedberg, DC

Functional Medicine Research with Dr. Nikolas Hedberg, DC

Three Things You Can Do For Anxiety

July 18, 2016

In this podcast, I chat with Michael Diettrich-Chastain about three things you can do for anxiety.

We discussed the importance of having a daily routine that you sustain for a long time in order to get the best results.  The following can be extremely helpful for anxiety that you can implement into your daily routine:

Some type of movement such as exercise or just a walk in nature
Spending more time with people and removing yourself from isolation
Taking a break from technology and social media

I like the app Calm to learn how to meditate and keep track of your progress.  Visit Calm's website or install the free app on Android or iPhone.

Here are some great articles that teach you how to journal and the health benefits including reducing anxiety and depression:

The Health Benefits of Journaling
Journaling for Mental Health

Additional Resources Recommended by Michael

Meditation/mindfulness for the individual and organization 
Mind/Body approach to Anxiety 
More information on the Muse device 

How Should you Implement all of this?
You’ll probably create even more anxiety if you put too much on your plate right away, so start slowly and build from there. You may find that you don’t even need to journal, for example, if you are doing well just meditating, taking the occasional nature walk and avoiding social media whenever you can.

Set the bar as low as possible so you set yourself up for success rather than failure.  Example, don’t try to meditate, journal and exercise every day right off the bat.  Take just one of these and start small such as meditation for 5 minutes a day.  One nature walk a week is a great start as another example.

And as always, any changes in your life shouldn’t add more stress so trust your gut when making these decisions.  You should feel good about implementing any of these recommendations.

Enjoy these extremely helpful tips for reducing anxiety and our three things you can do for anxiety interview.
More about Michael Diettrich-Chastain
Michael Diettrich-Chastain is the founder of Path to Synergy, where he provides Organizational Consulting, Coaching and Counseling services.

As an executive or leadership coach, Michael has helped organizational leaders and teams become more effective in recognizing how to inspire, engage, resolve conflict and communicate with others. Through coaching, Michael also helps individuals recognize and develop strengths in order to become more effective in their careers and personal lives.

Michael is also a Licensed Professional Counselor who is passionate about helping individuals resolve anxiety, stress, conflict, burnout and work/life balance. Through much of his work Michael sees the value in empowering clients to re-engage with their sense of purpose. In addition to his background in mental health and coaching, Michael has facilitated trainings on leadership, team building, communication, emotional intelligence, employee engagement, self-care and other topics.