Functional Medicine Research with Dr. Nikolas Hedberg, DC

Functional Medicine Research with Dr. Nikolas Hedberg, DC

How to Beat Depression Naturally

April 26, 2016

In order to understand how to beat depression naturally, we must understand what causes depression.
Inflammation and depression
For many years there has been a generally accepted cause of depression with the treatment revolving around neurotransmitter manipulation through antidepressant medications.  It has become quite clear however that inflammation is at the core of depression, anxiety, insomnia  and other mood disorders in many people. And, you can beat depression naturally!

Antidepressants have helped many people and are definitely required for certain individuals in order to function. These medications manipulate neurotransmitter levels but they also have anti-inflammatory properties which can additionally explain why they help people.

Studies are showing that patients with increased levels of inflammatory markers such as C-reactive protein, interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor alpha suffer from depression and other mood disorders.

Why does inflammation cause depression?
Normally, the amino acid tryptophan is converted into serotonin and melatonin which are important for mood balance and sleep. However, if you are inflamed, tryptophan will travel down the inflammatory kynurenine pathway.  Kynurenic acid and quinolinic acid cause imbalances of your neurotransmitters as well as robbing you of healthy serotonin and melatonin levels.
How does chronic stress create inflammation?
A dysfunctional HPA-axis (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal-axis) due to chronic stress will create more and more inflammation.  Cortisol produced by your adrenal glands is an excellent natural anti-inflammatory produced by your body.  If you are stressed for long periods of time then you will develop resistance to cortisol and inflammation will increase.

Your adrenals also produce norepinephrine and epinephrine commonly known as “adrenaline” which increases inflammation.  Your autonomic nervous system is composed of the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches.  The sympathetic nervous system is the “fight or flight” branch that is activated during stress and adrenaline is pumped out of the adrenal gland.  The parasympathetic branch is the “rest and digest” branch which is important for digestion, repair and relaxation.

Many people are stuck in a vicious cycle of cortisol resistance and sympathetic dominance due to chronic stress resulting in chronic inflammation.

Traumatic physical and emotional experiences can create a low-grade, post-traumatic stress disorder type biochemistry that is a recipe for inflammation.   Our brains can be affected for long periods of time after traumatic stressful events and they don’t return to normal without treatment.   Many people never seek therapy or truly deal with these traumatic events and never really get better.  It is virtually impossible to get well if you are inflamed.

Some of the most common causes of chronic stress are:

Worrying all the time
Ruminating about people and things that upset you
Lack of physical affection from your partner
Staying in an unhealthy relationship
Social isolation
Poor diet
Lack of exercise or too much exercise
Chronic infections such as viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungi anywhere in the body (gut, urinary tract, mouth, blood etc.)
Food sensitivities such as gluten and dairy
Insulin resistance
Weight gain
Not having a purpose in life
Stressful work environment or job dissatisfaction
Inflammatory bowel

Do women have it worse than men?
Yes.  The research is clear that women suffer from depression more than men, with about a twofold higher risk. Why are women more prone to depression than men?

Women are affected more by relationship issues than men....