The Distiller

The Distiller

Latest Episodes

#20 – EcoATM Founder Mark Bowles On Entrepreneurship and the Tech Startup World
August 30, 2018

Mark Bowles Is Not Afraid to Fail, He’s Done It Many Times Before. Talk with Mark about his experience in technology startups and venture-based entrepreneurship, and you’re just as likely to hear the stories of...

#19 – Theatre House Owner Marty Boyer on How Values Guide Decisions
August 16, 2018

Theatre House owner Marty Boyer is a high-character individual. Marty is a unique individual in that his ego has (apparently) almost no bearing on what he does for a living. Marty is the most pragmatic...

#18: Potter Christie Goodfellow and Sculptor Beth Graves on Creativity in the Gig Economy
August 02, 2018

Christie Goodfellow and Beth Graves Are Two Very Different Kinds of Sculptors. The similarities and differences between Christie and Beth’s work creates an interesting give and take between the two of them. Still, they share...

#17: Libby Hunter on Overcoming Poverty with Literacy
July 19, 2018

Libby Hunter Believes Storytelling Is the Key to Overcoming Poverty When you talk with Libby Hunter about literacy, you’d better buckle your seat belt. Libby talks quickly, and with purpose. Aside from a brief stint...

#16: Artist Mark Dejong Turns His Profession Into His Passion
July 05, 2018

It took a while for Mark Dejong to call himself an artist. Mark Dejong was born in The Netherlands, but his family moved to Cincinnati when he was a child. In his 20’s he took...

#15: Homeschool Mom Liz McEwan on the Work of Family
June 21, 2018

Liz McEwan is not your typical homeschool mom. Or perhaps she is. Maybe the “typical” homeschooling parent doesn’t actually exist. Most of The Distiller‘s guests have some professional ambition or goal they’re pursuing. The majority...

#14: Chef Derek Dos Anjos on the Business of Food
May 31, 2018

Chef Derek Dos Anjos’ Secret Weapon May Surprise You Ask a chef or restaurateur what skill is most important to running a restaurant, and you’re likely to get a lot of different answers. Maybe it’s...

#12: Corben Bone – Professional Soccer Player
May 17, 2018

Corben Bone’s Work Is Play On the field or off, Corben radiates energy. Watch him play in his midfield role for the F.C. Cincinnati soccer team, and you’ll see the way he sparks the team...

#11: Dr. Meredith Shockley-Smith – Equity, Inclusion, & Community Specialist
May 03, 2018

Meredith Shockley-Smith just took a big leap. (Updated 6/9/17 – we forgot to include the link to the podcast Brandon mentioned in the episode; it’s Shankar Vedantam’s NPR podcast “Hidden Brain.”  The episode, originally aired...

#10: Michael Wilson – Photographer
April 19, 2018

Michael Wilson Is More Than Just A Photographer. He’s a Master. A storyteller. A record-keeper. A history maker. Michael Wilson has been making pictures* for nearly 40 years, and in that time he’s developed a...