The Co/LAB

The Co/LAB

The Woes Of Onboarding New Team Members

October 27, 2020

Episode Description:
Bringing on new employees is an exciting but often time-consuming process for business owners. It’s important to present new team members with the information and expectations they need to do their job while still making them feel welcome and comfortable in their new position. The CoLab hosts Megan Marsh and Andre Munar share their experiences with onboarding and their resources for improving the process for your business.

Show Notes:

With business growth comes the need for more employees to keep expansion and productivity on track. For business owners new and old, the process of onboarding new team members can be stressful or even downright tumultuous without the proper systems and resources.

The onboarding process isn’t just about training, but introducing a new hire to your company culture and mission. How welcomed and comfortable they feel during this period is important as studies indicate that experiences (both positive and negative) in the first 90 days of a job determine whether an employee will stay with your company for more than the short term.

As business owners, The CoLab hosts Megan Marsh and Andre Munar are constantly tweaking and improving their onboarding process. In this episode, they share their tips and resources for successfully bringing on new employees, including a must-have checklist you can tailor to your own business.

Ready to dive in? Here’s a preview of this episode of The CoLab:

[06:50] Whether it's one person or several, onboarding people can be stressful if you haven’t created an effective process for adding people to your work team.
[12:00] The best way to build a business and the security for all of your team members is to make it not about you . Put your ego aside and build up your business and team for success.
[16:34] Making employees feel welcome and comfortable goes beyond the usual onboarding checklist of setting up a workspace and training. It can be small gestures such as a welcome bag or developing an onboarding buddy system.
[25:15] Record as much as you can to make accessing information easy for new employees and to keep consistency between onboarding groups.
[27:47] Creating a New Employee Checklist is crucial to ensuring your new employees can complete initial tasks and training before moving on to higher-level duties.

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