The Change of Shift Podcast
The Change of Shift Podcast | Ep10 #asktheNP can pt advocacy be abused? #nurse
The Change of Shift Podcast Ep 10 | #asktheNP Can patient advocacy be abused? #nurseThis was another ad lib spontaneous extra episode. I posted another one of my #asktheNP updates on Twitter:"Nurses: Never apologize for doing your job. Advocating for another human being is not easy. #asktheNP"It garnered quite the interest with a little bit of controversy. Through this conversation I learned the following:1.Some physicians feel our profession thinks the term 'advocacy' is exclusive to Nursing.2. Advocacy is not an excuse to behave poorly.3. Unfortunately there are still lines being drawn in the sand between Nurses and Physicians.This Podcast episode was my view on that conversation.#thechangeofshift #CoS #nurselife #nursesunite #nurse #nurses----------The goal of The Change of Shift is to help inform and educate Nurses by discussing relevant and pressing topics that all Nurses have or will experience during their career.Let’s change the paradigm.