The Change of Shift Podcast

The Change of Shift Podcast

The Change of Shift Podcast | Ep 6 Advice for a #nurse wanting to go to NP school? #asktheNP

October 19, 2015

The Change of Shift Podcast | Advice for a #nurse wanting to go to NP school? #asktheNP
This is our test-episode at having a Podcast with a single host.
I continue with our advice column #asktheNP. A critical care nurse asks for advice on wanting to go to NP school.
My answer is: don't wait for the 'right time' to start. Start now.There are options out there. Get started now. Don't wait.
--I then spend the last part wrapping up some loose ends. I'm closing out my other Podcast :The Nurse Niche and I'm going to transition my former YouTube channel The Sean Dent Show over to this channel.
Stay tune gang, we have lots to say.
As always remember to check you own pulse first
#thechangeofshift #CoS #nurselife #nursesunite #nurse #nurses
The goal of The Change of Shift is to help inform and educate Nurses by discussing relevant and pressing topics that all Nurses have or will experience during their career.
Let’s change the paradigm.