The Change of Shift Podcast
The Change of Shift Podcast | Ep 5 Dear new #nurse, never fake it #asktheNP
Our 5th episode!
We review what the #nursesunite movement has done for our profession and how we're utilizing its momentum to bring attention to areas of Nursing that we are passionate about.One of them is education.
We introduce our new advice column with the hashtag #asktheNP. The goal of the hashtag is to share knowledge with our fellow nurses while assisting those in our profession in need.
We parlayed into a wonderful 25-question interview questionnaire from Brittany, a high school sophomore. We answers questions like:
-In what ways is your occupation changing?
-Do you ever take work home with you?
-What is a typical day like?
-How much is your yearly salary?
-What are some common career paths in this field?
Stay tuned for our next episode! We have another interview lined up.
And remember, check your own pulse first.
#thechangeofshift #CoS #nurselife #nursesunite #nurse #nurses
The goal of The Change of Shift is to help inform and educate Nurses by discussing relevant and pressing topics that all Nurses have or will experience during their career.
Let’s change the paradigm.