Canine Exchange

Canine Exchange

Latest Episodes

Canine Exchange - Do Dogs Feel Abandonment?
October 14, 2019

This was a GREAT subject to talk to Linn about.  As dog owners we are always wondering if our dogs realize we are coming back home or coming back to get them at daycare.  We spoke about different situations from boarding your dog to Mother...

Canine Exchange - How to Pick the Right Dog
October 07, 2019

As you all know I just got a new puppy a few weeks ago.  But for new dog owners or dog owners looking to add another dog to the mix, picking out the right one is extremely important.  Find out what advice Linn gives to dog owners to help...

Canine Exchange - Fire Drill
September 30, 2019

We have been experimenting at work with a fire drill, timing to see how long it takes to get all dogs outside safely.  This brought on a discussion of how dog owners can think of how it pertains to them.  Enjoy this one! 

Canine Exchange - Flight Attendant is Bitten
September 23, 2019

Hey Everyone - I think it's safe to say that Linn and I are going to be on a more regular schedule now.  Hoping that every Monday morning you will wake up to another new episode. As I'm sure you heard there was a flight attendant that was bitten...

Canine Exchange - Where in Hell Have We Been?
September 02, 2019

Summer has flown by and both Linn and myself have been quite busy.  Linn has been traveling for most of the summer and I've never had such a busy summer here at work.  So here is your update on what we've been up to, plus listen in on one of...

Canine Exchange - Sitdown w/ Erynn Connors - Workshop Review
August 12, 2019

Another workshop is in the books!  This makes 4 of them and Linn has improved on each one giving the attendees a deeper understanding of Dog Psychology.  We sat own with Erynn Connors of Wanderlust Canine Services out of Rutland, Vermont to...

Canine Exchange - Dog Psychology & Responsibility
June 20, 2019

I thought it would be a great idea to hear how Linn breaks down and describes Dog Psychology.  He gives great examples of how it compares to obedience.  Then the conversation turns into how we as dog owners need to take responsibility. 

Canine Exchange - Sitdown With Amanda Anderson & Melissa Peterson - Workshop Review
June 11, 2019

Linn and I sat down with Amanda and Melissa at the conclusion of the workshop last Friday.  It was fun to hear what brought them here, what they wanted to learn, and what they are taking away from the workshop.  Be careful, after listening...

Canine Exchange - Slowing Down & Separation Anxiety
June 06, 2019

Linn was here in Vermont so we decided to tape an episode before his workshop started.  There is some great information in this episode about slowing everything down with your dog and also those 2 words in the dog world that dog owners hope they...

Canine Exchange - Sitdown With Bria Tiro - Workshop Review
May 09, 2019

Linn's Workshop Learn, Practice, Master, Begin Again concluded last week at my facility in Vermont. We snagged Bria Tiro to talk about her experience being here and learning from Linn.