The Braemar Life Skills Academy Podcast

The Braemar Life Skills Academy Podcast

BLSA Podcast: Rebecca Bitton on Chronic Stress

January 18, 2023

Miss Rebecca Bitton is an entrepreneur, educator, and mental health speaker. She has been the panelist speaker and former President of the MDAO (Mood Disorders Association of Ontario). She’s also been a panelist speaker at the OPSEU (Ontario Public Service Employees Union) Work Life Balance Conference, Sunnybrook Hospital and many others.

Rebecca addresses student and client needs by leveraging their strengths, building confidence, curing overwhelm and preventing burnout.

In this episode, Rebecca unpacks the concepts of overwhelm and burnout, two expressions of what is increasingly understood as Chronic Stress. The conversation focusses on definitions, causes, symptoms, consequences, and a variety of solutions available to help anyone heal from these conditions.

Especially as our students head into assessment periods, it is crucial that we know how to identify the indicators of inordinate, toxic stress in their lives, and to be able to intervene effectively. It could mean all the difference for an aspiring student in an increasingly complex world. We hope you find this episode useful in your ongoing efforts to care for your students and create positive change in their lives!

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