The Braemar Life Skills Academy Podcast

The Braemar Life Skills Academy Podcast

BLSA Podcast: Deutsche Education

January 11, 2023

Nike, Lucy, and Moritz – Deutsche Education

It’s always enlightening to be around people with a different cultural background than oneself, getting a daily sense of how your attitudes, values, expressions, assumptions and identities compare with theirs. One of the countries that Braemar regularly welcomes students from is Deutschland, known to many of us as Germany. And this year we’ve been lucky to be able to compare our Toronto culture with those of our German students Nike, Lucy and Moritz.

Each of these young people brings an energy and a maturity to their academic lives which can impress and even intimidate those of us who work with them. They are remarkably outgoing, well-spoken, enthusiastic, healthy and motivated. We sat down with them for a podcast conversation to dive deeper into their previous experiences growing up and going to school in Germany, and comparing their academic system with our own here in Canada.

As always with folks like these, the conversation was lively, informed and helpful, especially for those of us looking for indications of what we might learn and borrow from the system that produced such admirable students. If you’re interested in what growing up in Germany is like, you’re sure to enjoy this episode!