The Braemar Life Skills Academy Podcast

The Braemar Life Skills Academy Podcast

BLSA Podcast: Misses Rebecca Bitton and Amirah Gilani – Being and Becoming Healthy

November 23, 2022

Miss Rebecca Bitton is an entrepreneur, educator, and mental health speaker. She has been the panelist speaker and former President of the MDAO (Mood Disorders Association of Ontario). She’s also been a panelist speaker at the OPSEU (Ontario Public Service Employees Union) Work Life Balance Conference, Sunnybrook Hospital and many others.

Rebecca addresses student and client needs by leveraging their strengths, building confidence, curing overwhelm and preventing burnout.

Amirah Gilani is an outstanding Braemar student who has participated as a Student Leader in numerous programs dedicated to student wellness. She is also the founder of SoulSparks, an interactive course for kids and teens that uses Positive Psychology techniques to encourage authenticity and self-esteem.

In our conversation with these two wellness advocates, we discussed a range of perspectives on how Mental Health may be preserved and improved. We touched on a number of related concepts, including “work/life balance”, stress management, toxic productivity, and the connection between personal interests and altruistic efforts.

Whether teen or adult, student or teacher, we all need help keeping ourselves well. Give your wellness efforts a boost.


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