The Braemar Life Skills Academy Podcast

The Braemar Life Skills Academy Podcast

BLSA Podcast: ConnectU Connection with Mr. Dov Shapiro

November 15, 2022

Mr. Dov Shapiro is a long-time educator, camp director, and is the founding CEO of ConnectU*, a digital Social-Emotional Learning platform that provides educators with the tools to nurture and assess Growth Mindsets, Self-Awareness, Empathy and Metacognition in their students.

Our conversation digs deeper into topics like the nature of Social-Emotional learning, the “EdTech” (Education Technology) industry, Fixed vs. Growth Mindset, and how schools can become more integrated into their local communities, all in service of addressing one of BLSA’s primary questions: why are today’s teenagers so much more likely to suffer from poor mental health, and what can we do about it?

*ConnectU is currently being used at Braemar College to assist and track new students as they seek to establish their identities within our vibrant and diverse student culture.


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