The Bob Siegel Show

The Bob Siegel Show

A Variety of Bible Questions – The Bob Siegel Show Ep 1009

February 06, 2025

Religion Concept – Questioning the Bible









Bob talks about the difference between being sinful and being evil. While the sinful nature is completely evil, human beings also have a conscience or good side of their nature. Those who want to deal with the bad side can give their lives to Christ and receive His Holy Spirit. Others reject Christ and His forgiveness. Some, go even further… They not only reject Christ, they give in so much to their evil natures that the conscience eventually becomes seared and they no longer have a sense of right and wrong. This person is evil.

Other theology questions: (Some are read aloud by co-host Dana Wright who joins Bob in the second segment of the program.)

-Does the Bible justify slavery? No, but Bob will show how and why some verses are taken out of context

-What is your opinion of Internet churches?

-Do Jewish people believe in heaven?

-Are there good strongholds in addition to Satanic strongholds?

-Is the Gospel fair?

-Are people saved by merely believing in Jesus?

-How could a loving God send people to hell?

-How could a loving God sit back and watch all of the suffering and evil in this world without doing anything? You will notice that the two questions above contradict themselves. On one hand, people complain that God does nothing about evil. On the other hand, they continue to complain when the Bible makes it quite clear that God will hold people accountable on judgment day and indeed do something about evil.

SPECIAL NOTE: This podcast is taken from a broadcast back in 3-29-15 before Bob married Dana Wright, a frequent co-host. Just one day before the program aired, Bob had proposed to Dana. And so, along with the many Bible questions Bob is answering, you will also hear both Bob and Dana having some fun with their VERY RECENT engagement.  

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