The Better Leaders Better Schools Podcast with Daniel Bauer

The Better Leaders Better Schools Podcast with Daniel Bauer

Latest Episodes

091: Barking up the wrong tree with Eric Barker
May 03, 2017

Eric Barker’s humorous, practical blog, Barking Up the Wrong Tree, presents science-based answers and expert insight on how to be awesome at life. Over 290,000 people subscribe to his weekly newsletter and his content is syndicated by Time Magazine,...

090: Attitude of gratitude hacks with Danny "Sunshine" Bauer
April 26, 2017

In today’s show, Danny “Sunshine” Bauer, host of Better Leaders Better Schools shares some of attitude of gratitude hacks with the listeners. These are tips and tricks to develop a more positive mindset and outlook which the listener can...

089: Who have you helped be better today with Jethro Jones
April 19, 2017

Jethro Jones is the host of the Transformative Principal podcast, founder of the Transformative Leadership Summit, and Principal of Kodiak Middle School.   Jethro Jones Show Notes   How Jethro defines the “School experience.” 34...

088: Playing in the deep end of the pool with Jennifer Abrams
April 12, 2017

Jennifer considers herself a “voice coach,” helping others learn how to best use their voices – be it collaborating on a team, presenting in front of an audience, coaching a colleague, supervising an employee.   Jennifer has been recognized...

087: You are welcome here with AJ DeLeón
April 05, 2017

Adrian J. (AJ) DeLeón is a first-generation college graduate whose passion to achieve equity and excellence for students has guided his professional career. In his work, AJ is always willing to learn new tactics and work with others to design...

086: We meet the needs of all students with Allen Pratt
March 29, 2017

Dr. Allen Pratt has served as a high school science teacher and coach, a high school principal, assistant superintendent/curriculum director, executive director of the Tennessee Rural Education Association, executive director of the East Tennessee...

085: Lead change with the power of simple with Kyle Wagner
March 22, 2017

Kyle Wagner is the founder and lead consultant for Transform Educational Consulting, an organization that empowers school leaders to lead change and improve student learning through simple, innovative strategies and teaming structures. He is also the...

084: How to be original with Glenn Robbins
March 15, 2017

Glenn Robbins is the proud Superintendent at the Tabernacle Township School District. His passion is harnessing a school culture that thrives on design thinking skills, innovative digital spaces, BYOD/1to1, and Makerspaces. In addition, Glenn...

083: The power of many with Stephen Sroka
March 08, 2017

“Boy is retarded,” reads the top of Dr. Stephen Sroka’s third-grade report card. In ES, he was mocked for having a crossed eye and a speech impediment. He was crippled in a HS fight. Doctors said, “ Listen to your teachers.” The more he...

082: My bad with Jon Harper
March 01, 2017

Jon is currently the assistant principal at Sandy Hill Elementary School in Cambridge, Maryland. This is his sixth year serving as an assistant principal at the elementary level. Prior to becoming an administrator, he served as a Math Coach and...