The Affinity Relationship Coaching Podcast

The Affinity Relationship Coaching Podcast

Dominance and Submissiveness - EP:037

July 26, 2015

Does the idea of turning control over to another simultaneously scare and excite you? If so, you are not alone. In our culture, as well as many others around the world, dominance is the desired state of mind and submissiveness in highly undervalued, however, the desire to be submissive is more common than you might imagine, especially in relationships. In fact, how can a relationship ever truly work if no submission is ever displayed?
In this episode, Matt and Andrea review the role of dominance and submissiveness in a relationship and the need for the presence of both. So many relationships get stuck in neutral due to the lack of these characteristics. Listen and learn how accepting the role that is right for you can lead your relationship to new heights.