The Aaron Janx Show: Insights For Winning The War Of Success

The Aaron Janx Show: Insights For Winning The War Of Success

71: Life Of Freedom w/John Lee Dumas

January 21, 2016

John Lee Dumas tells us how, in under three years he has earned four million (after-tax) dollars in his savings account. John is the Founder and Host of EOFire, a top-ranked, daily podcast featuring interviews with today's most inspiring and successful entrepreneurs. John & EOFire have been featured in Forbes, TIME and Inc. Magazine.

1. Elevator Pitch

I have a daily internet radio show aka "podcast" featuring interviews with today's most inspiring and successful entrepreneurs

2. Main Thing

What is the main thing your generating revenue from now?

From three equal sources.

* Show Sponsor 2. Podcasters Paradise 3. The Freedom Journal

4. Business Model

Walk us through how your generating revenue in your business i.e. your sales funnel.

Facebook, Youtube and Google Ads.

5. Team

John uses several assistants

6. Revenue

What’s the highest amount of revenue you have generated in your business thus far? (answer does not need to be from your present business)

500k. John publishes his monthly revenue here.
Resources Mentioned
Free Podcasting Course
People Mentioned
Seth Godin

Bradon Adams

Richie Norton
Great Tip!
"Figure out what you really want to do and put the blinders on and do it!"

Personal Spurs

What is your favorite word? The
What is your least favorite word? And
What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally? Journaling
What turns you off? Running
Best Advice? "Try not to be a person of success but become a person of value". -Albert Einstine.
What is your favorite productivity tool? Schedule Once.
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? Ninja Warrior 
Favorite Part Of Being Entrepreneur? Freedom
Favorite Person of All Time? Benjamin Franklin
Favorite Book of All Time? Benjamin Franklin's Biography
If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? Come on in and have a beer!