Faith, Doubt and God's Mysterious Timing: 10 Minute Insights with Laurie Polich Short

Faith, Doubt and God's Mysterious Timing: 10 Minute Insights with Laurie Polich Short

More is happening than you can see

January 03, 2023

Welcome to my new podcast!

Happy New Year friends!

I am excited to tell you that the first episode of my new 10 minute podcast is up and running. You can find it wherever you listen to podcasts or on my website HERE. I’ll be doing a new episode with an insight from my new book each week, and this week’s insight is:
More is happening than you can see

My devotional reflection is in the book of Job, and I believe his story has so much to give us when we go through difficulty and don’t understand what God is doing (or not doing). My prayer is that God will turn up the volume on the words you need to hear this week- and that you will glean some fresh insight into where God is in your suffering and confusion, as well as the bigger picture of the circumstances you are facing right now.

My book comes out January 31, and the study that accompanies it will be released on RightNow media that same day. Some of you are on my launch team, and you will be getting your boxes soon</div></body></html>