The 10 Minute Marketer

The 10 Minute Marketer

Tips on Keeping an Audience’s Attention When Speaking With Dr. Joyce Knudsen

May 11, 2017

We all have a fear of speaking in front of groups of people or making a presentation – Dr. Joyce Knudsen, Impression Management Counselor is back to give some tips on how to keep an audience’s attention when speaking – no matter what the topic is.  

Simple things to help hold someone’s attention

The key thing is to talk about something the other person is interested in – especially those in the new generation; millennials and baby boomers have two different listening styles so it’s important to know your audience and speak on topics of their interest.  
Make your audience is actively listening by asking them to provide feedback.
At the beginning, tell them what you’re going to tell them – let them know why you’re you to tell them whatever it is; tell them and at the end tell them what you’ve told them.  
Humor, short stories, short videos are also good but make sure you know your audience and that they can relate or connect to it.  

How to make a speech or give a presentation?  

Everyone in the audience is there to learn something – they’re not there to judge or attack you. Studies show that everyone – even celebrities- get nervous before getting in front of an audience but using humor or short stories to break the ice can make yourself and your audiences feel more comfortable.  It’s also great to break the presentation up so it’s not long and boring; it also helps to put your audience in groups to solve a problem.

We all at some point have to present a speech, take part in an event and it’s great to be able to hold your audience’s attention and win them over.

Stay in touch with Dr. Joyce by following the link to her website.
