The 10 Minute Marketer

The 10 Minute Marketer

The Death of Radio and Rise of Podcasting

March 06, 2017

Today’s show will focus on podcasting; traditional terrestrial radio is dying, but people still want to hear music and get information.  Today David talks to his podcast co-host Lisa Davis about this.

Is podcasting the future?

According to Lisa – yes it is.  Podcasts are huge because you can listen at any time; it’s also great fun to do and fun to learn.  For entrepreneurs, a podcast is like having an audio blog, and it’s a great way to reach your audience. Instead of preparing PowerPoints for a presentation, flying to the venue, and making a presentation to reach the audience which is confined to the venue; a podcast allows you a much greater range; not just to an audience in the US but across the globe and your audience can listen when they want.  Getting access to a podcast is as simple as subscribing and listening when you want – on demand.

How easy is it to get a podcast on iTunes?

According to David – it’s simple but very detailed- the details will be posted to the website.  There was one guest whose company makes plug-ins which make it very simple to get started; podcasting is not a complicated thing.  Statistics show that 3/4ths of podcasts listeners are under twenty-four years old.

As an entrepreneur – is podcasting for me?

Anyone can start a podcast – you don’t have to reach millions of people and you don’t have to be Howard Stern.  All you have to do is connect with your ideal audience and have a small following – it’s not a sprint, it’s a marathon; it is an excellent way to get your message out there.  It also helps to have a co-host since this will make the podcast less annoying and more entertaining to listen to.

What about content?

What if your business is not cut and dry? What are some of the things that you can talk about?   David suggests you first have to define your audience – you have to start with who is your ideal client, why are you doing the podcast?  Your aim should be to get information out there, engage an audience and monetize it; you want to get people to your site.  Content is easy – just think of what your audience wants, think of the problems they are facing try to address them in each episode.

Your challenge

If you’re going to do a podcast instead of a blog or plan to do one to compliment your blog - determine who your audience is, what their top of mind problems are and think about how often you would want to do it.