the 7-Figure Salon Podcast

Gratitude for a Happier Mindset | 7FS | EP 35
The 7-Figure Salon Podcast Episode #33
I'm feeling immense gratitude this week, coming at you today from my hotel room off of a wonderful mommy daughter weekend.
This past weekend got me thinking about gratitude...It seems to be a buzz word a lot these days, but it really can change a person's mindset.
As a salon and business owner, it's easy to get caught up in the future.
But it's important to be grateful for what you have NOW.
This week, I want to share a story about my first experience with gratitude and my 3 ways I remind myself to remain in a grateful mindset:
1. Just because you've had bumps in the road doesn't mean it's a bad day
2. Take a moment to appreciate all the people who add value to your life
3. Figure out what makes you happy and do more of it
I'd like for you to try these out and let me know what this does for you. If you practice this on a regular basis, I promise you'll feel more happiness in your life for what you have today!
As always, if you’d like to go deeper with me and my team, you can visit our website and book a free 30 minute discovery call and we’ll see how we can help you with your business goals.
To Your Success,