the 7-Figure Salon Podcast

3 Steps to Tackle Your Overwhelm | 7FS | EP 34
The 7-Figure Salon Podcast Episode #33
This past week I went away to Florida to recover from the rough month of April...And while I was away, my store got broken into a third time.
Trying to juggle calling insurance, my mom (who was in town) and my team was overwhelming.
I wanted to share my 3 steps I told my assistant to handle overwhelm:
1. List all of the things you need to get done and pick 3 tasks from the list.
2. Choose 3 tasks that are "needle-movers" or are the most pressing things to get done. Everything else can wait.
3. Pick 1 larger task, and 2 smaller tasks
If you’d like to go deeper with me and my team, you can visit our website and book a free 30 minute discovery call and we’ll see how we can help you with your business goals.
To Your Success,