...creating YOUR 7 Big Questions to get YOUR answers that YOU NEED to create the life YOU want.

...creating YOUR 7 Big Questions to get YOUR answers that YOU NEED to create the life YOU want.

Latest Episodes

A simple tool for you to use
April 23, 2013

There are times when our old habits kick in and lead us down a familiar path and we get the result we don't want. There is a way to stop this. I've used it a few times and it works very nicely.

Where is your happiness?
April 20, 2013

We all want to be happy and we hang around waiting for happiness to find us. Wrong approach. you need to do it the other way around.

Do you want to be rid of negatives?
April 18, 2013

We hear about the power of positive thinking and how it can make our lives better. It can, but only to a point. There is actually more power in a negative.

What are you putting in your head?
April 16, 2013

There are so many influences in our lives. Many things that program how we see the world, ourselves and each other. Many things that slowly change our points of view. What things are influencing you, both known and unknown?

How are your life skills?
April 16, 2013

There are things that I believe we should all be capable of doing. Having certain skills makes life easier and the chances of your success in various avenues of your life a little higher than they could be. So, how are your life skills?

How much are you investing?
April 14, 2013

In life, we only get back in returns, the same amount or more of what we put in as effort. This applies to so many things. How much are you investing?

No man is an island
April 14, 2013

For years when I was younger, this saying had me scratching my head. If you have ever wondered what it means, listen in find out the meaning and how it applies to you.

Something to pick you up!
April 14, 2013

Every now and then, we all have days when we are down and our energies and motivations are not where they should be. Here is a tool to get you focused and your mind back in balance.

Pleasure and pain
March 31, 2013

We have two motivations in our lives, two forces directing us on our journey, two energies directing our path. Pleasure and pain. Which one is controlling your life?

How are you feeling?
March 28, 2013

This is one thing that helped me get clarity about my journey and turning my life around. If you don't know how you feel about something, you don't know if you should change it, why you should change it and what you should change it to.