...creating YOUR 7 Big Questions to get YOUR answers that YOU NEED to create the life YOU want.

...creating YOUR 7 Big Questions to get YOUR answers that YOU NEED to create the life YOU want.

Latest Episodes

How is their training going?
March 26, 2013

We train dogs to sit, heel, roll over and all the rest, we train a parrot to mimic our speaking, we also train people every single day. What do we train them to do? Well, you'll just have to listen in.

What are you tolerating?
March 24, 2013

There are many things in our life that cause us pain, heartache, challenge, frustration, but we put up with it, we tolerate, we accept it. It's time to look at them today.

Another parenting tip for you
March 22, 2013

I've got another little tip for parents, parents-to-be, step parents for making the job a little easier. It's a challenge being a parent but this one can make you a better person as well.

How's your money army?
March 21, 2013

Armies are there to protect us from people who want to attack us and what we have and get it for themselves. The better your army, the better your protection, right? The question is, how is your 'money' army?

How's your vocabulary?
March 18, 2013

We are all born with the ability to speak. We are taught at school how to recognise words and put them into sentences and phrases. We learn how to communicate and talk. We are only given the basics though, so it is time for a fine tune, because we need

What do you really want?
March 16, 2013

We say it's the big house, money in the bank, a great job, a loving partner, the nice car, the list goes on, but ultimately what we want boils down to one thing and one thing only that will make us happy. If we don't have this, we feel all sorts of negat

Do you want all this?
March 13, 2013

There are things we say we want in our lives, but there is a disparity between what we say we want and want action we use to achieve that desire.

Dividing your 24 hours
March 13, 2013

We are all given 24 hours in a day, 1440 minutes. No-one has more and no-one has less. How are you using yours. I've got a little exercise here that may open your eyes. Do it honestly and you will suddenly have time to spare.

What is holding you back?
March 10, 2013

We all give excuses and reasons for our not succeeding in something, or not achieving something, but ultimately it comes down to one thing and one thing only.

Getting you excited and focused
March 09, 2013

We all need something that gets us going again, something that gets us focused, re-energised. What have you got?
