That Guy Named Armen

That Guy Named Armen

Latest Episodes

Ep. 26 - Routine Drugs With Guests Kaspar And Gary
March 13, 2015

We have the drugs people think about when they hear the word "drugs", and then we have the more insidious ones that adulterate lifestyles without anyone taking notice.  Which ones are worse?  How much of what we do is based on stimulus-response chemical

Ep. 25 - Your Health
March 11, 2015

What good is a new laser printer if you don't have eyes to see the printed pages?  What good is a new basketball if your knees lack cartilage?  Your health is number one as you live in this time.  When health goes away, everything else goes away, but w

Ep. 24 - Selective Sociability With Guests Felipe And Reed
March 09, 2015

How do you talk to one person or another?  Do you change the way you talk to person A versus person B?  Jay-Z once said "I dumbed down for my audience and doubled my dollars" and we can do variations of social alteration in the same way, or we can talk

Ep. 23 - Control And Fluidity With Guest Kaspar
March 06, 2015

How much of your life do you want to control, and what parts do you want to leave as fluid and flexible?  We have to judge what we keep structured and what we allow options for.  This episode of TGNA also includes guest Kaspar K. and his thoughts on the

Ep. 22 - Cargo Ship Documentary
March 06, 2015

Episode 22 of TGNA is all about the information.  I saw a documentary about the world's largest cargo ship, and here I share information about that and what I got out of the documentary.  You might want to check out documentaries because they are full o

Ep. 21 - Motivation From Life And The Sun
March 03, 2015

Motivation is a big thing on and offline.  Episode 21 handles motivation through the lens of the sun, time, life, and your perspective.  Maybe this is the post you've been waiting for since episode 54, but that episode is in the future so that doesn't m

Ep. 20 - Contacting People
March 03, 2015

There are people out there for you to contact.  You already know some of them, and you haven't communicated with some of them before.  Either way, you've got to get to your GMail or e-mail or Twitter or Facebook or phone and make the link to them with p

Ep. 19 - Making A Salad
March 02, 2015

Here's that hard-hitting content you've been waiting for at TGNA.  Here we go over a salad you can make.  This is indeed a plant-based salad, the more common kind.  You can take this recipe and change it, but then it won't be this recipe anymore so the

Ep. 18 - The Future And Automation
February 27, 2015

The future is a blink away and it contains lots of cool in the form of robots, automation, artificial intelligence, and the like.  Here I discuss these coming features, and we look towards tomorrow as its speeds through today.  Things are getting intell

Ep. 17 - Telling Stories
February 27, 2015

Storytelling is a big thing to get people's interest.  I don't really do it or get into it, but some do, and it might be for you.  This episode of TGNA is about you and your ability to concoct a tale or recite a tale of your own events.  Rep that Ep.