That Mom Show

That Mom Show

Latest Episodes

The 7 Shifts Every Mom Must Make - Past to Future
August 27, 2019

Your past has passed. So why are you still living there? If you want to reach that next level of success, you're going to have to take the plunge into the future.

The 7 Shifts Every Mom Must Make - Outside to Inside
August 26, 2019

Every mom needs to make these 7 shifts to live a successful life. Here's shift #1--outside to inside.

3 Reasons You're Not Hearing From God
August 06, 2019

Do you ever feel like your prayers aren't getting heard? Wonder if they're even getting through? Here are three reasons this may be happening.

Did You Have A Bad Day?
July 31, 2019

Having a bad day? Get ready for your mind to be blown. It way not be a bad day at all, just a bad thought.

You Need A Sabbatical!
July 26, 2019

Need to get away? (And, no, locking yourself in the bathroom doesn't count.) Here is why you need a sabbatical and how to make it happen.

The Monster Mistake Moms Make
July 10, 2019

Poor time management? Not being organized? Think again! This is the monster mistake most moms make, and it may shock you!

You're Not The Boss of Me!
July 08, 2019

Got some control issues in your marriage? Here’s what to do if you’re wondering who’s bossing who.

July 01, 2019

Are you married to two different people? The answer may surprise you! Here’s how to STOP being a psychopolygamist!!!

Did I Marry The Wrong Person?
June 17, 2019

Do you ever wonder if you married the wrong person? We’re going to turn that question around and it’s going to make your marriage  (and your life) amazing!

My Favorite Line From A Movie EVER
June 14, 2019

You’ll never guess it—guaranteed! Also you need to see the entire unedited “Fitz vs the Deer” on YouTube.