Black n’ RICH Meant (Enrichment)

Black n’ RICH Meant (Enrichment)

Latest Episodes

Message at the Beckley, WV NAACP Emergency Meeting on violence in the community (ONLY my speech)
April 27, 2019

Thad touches on some issues leading to violence within the black community and how to develop leadership development programs and resources within the church surrounding the community! I encourage everyone to get in touch with your local NAACP and other B

I.O.U. Ep. 3: “Attitude Reflects Leadership”
April 23, 2019

Thad speaks on the importance of leadership development into the Next Gen. especially in response to the recent Racial Issue from students using “Siri” for Racists/Humorous Motives. WV History of Black Coal Miners and it’s influence on the founding of the