Tales From The Rabbit Hole

Tales From The Rabbit Hole

Episode 16: Adam Taylor – Retired 9/11 Truth Activist

August 04, 2019

Adam Taylor was very active in the 9/11 truth movement for ten years from 2007 to 2017.  He’s still very much in favor of a new investigation and thinks there are many unanswered questions about the events of 9/11. But he no longer spends time advocating, and instead is focusing on living a normal life. We talk about how he got into 9/11 “truth” activism, why he eventually retired from the movement, the role of debunkers, and his thoughts on the “truth” movement as a whole

* Adam Taylor’s Blog and Essay
* Active Thermitic Material Paper by Jones
* Preliminary Response by Millette
* Third Study that did not happen
* NIST’s reports on The World Trade Center
* AE911Truth and The University of Alaska Study on WTC7
* AE911Truth’s Paper that’s Being Presented at a Conference. 
* Frank Greening’s Critique of the draft NIST report.