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Fitness Insight Podcast | Fitness Certifications
October 13, 2014

Fitness Certifications Fitness certifications have been around for quite some time ... but what value do they bring to personal trainers, fitness clubs, or personal training clients?  In this week's Fitness Insight podcast, Jamie Atlas (www.bonzabodies.

Fitness Insight Podcast | Technology, Gadgets and Gizmos
September 30, 2014

Technology, Gadgets and Gizmos Fitness is nothing like what it was back in the 80's!  All you had to do was put on your generic sneakers, Adidas running shorts and cotton t-shirt and you were ready to go!  With the release of new technologies like the

Fitness Insight Podcast | Backhanded Compliments
September 25, 2014

Backhanded Compliments Although fitness has been recognized to have numerous physical, mental, emotional benefits ... there is also a negative side. Backhanded compliments (and sarcastic remarks) tend to find their way into conversations between people

Fitness Insight Podcast | Importance of Rest and Recovery for Clients (and Athletes)
September 18, 2014

Importance of Rest and Recovery for Clients (and Athletes)We live in a world of excess where the perception is that "more is better".  Unfortunately, excessive exercise and inadequate rest and recovery in between workouts can lead to big trouble! In this

Fitness Insight Podcast | Overtraining & Recovery
September 11, 2014

Overtraining & RecoveryThe relationship between personal trainers and their clients is one that takes a lot of effort and time to develop. It takes time for a client to feel comfortable to speak openly and honestly with their trainer, and to accept the

Fitness Insight Podcast | With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility
September 04, 2014

With Great Power Comes Great ResponsibilityAs personal trainers, we sometimes take for granted the amount of influence we can have on the lives of our clients.  When a person seeks out a personal trainer, they may be that person's "last hope" when it co

Fitness Insight Podcast | Pros and Cons of Summer Fitness
August 23, 2014

Pros and Cons of Summer FitnessWe're coming up to the end of the glorious summer weather ... and the slowest time of the year for personal trainers!  In this week's Fitness Insight podcast, Jamie Atlas (, Pharoah Kafele (www.puravidac

Fitness Insight Podcast | Fitness “Nerds” Unite
August 20, 2014

Fitness "Nerds" Unite! This is the first edition of the Fitness Insight podcast where Jamie Atlas (, Pharoah Kafele ( and Andrea Oh ( get a chance to introduce themselves and share so

Mind-Body Podcast Episode 1: Awareness and Mindfulness
July 25, 2014

Welcome to the very first edition of the “Mind-Body Forum”.  The Mind-Body Forum brings together professionals from around the world to discuss topics relating to a 360 approach to fitness, health, and wellness.  Each week we focus on a topic relati
