Testimony: A Musician's Story

Testimony: A Musician's Story


February 11, 2015

Nor Cal rapper and RPSMG member, Mission, candidly shares his story with Testimony: A Musician’s Story.  He talks high school mistakes, divorce, salvation, and his passion to write transparent music.

Download his latest album No Medium for free

00:28 - Generally Speaking
01:45 - Better You
03:12 - Better You
03:56 - Round Em Up
05:19 - Round Em Up
07:17 - Better You
10:09 - When I Was Gone
11:26 - Oh Lawd
12:28 - Oh Lawd
14:30 - All Over
16:32 - All Over
17:42 - Generally Speaking Part 2
19:52 - Not My Will
20:30 - Not My Will
24:13 - Not My Will
25:37 - Nothing In Return